Frequently Asked Questions

Your Trusted Partner for Providing Excellent Measurement Data

Momentum Transfer offers a mail-in service for high-quality and high-throughput synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction measurements. You mail us your samples; we perform the measurements and send you the results.
Beamtimes are regularly pre-arranged, meaning that there are no long waiting times for access to measurements. We'll inform you through the platform of upcoming beamtimes so that you can mail-in your samples in time. Compared to other methods of paid access, there is no minimum number of samples or shifts that must be purchased by the customer. Additionally, we provide data reduction and validation of results to ensure accuracy, including processing total scattering data to obtain pair distribution functions.
When you setup your measurement request in the portal, you can choose between, high-resolution powder XRD (HR-XRPD), total-scattering pair distribution function (TS-PDF) analysis and small angle scattering measurements (SAXS).
If you want to carry out a large-scale investigation, no stress. We can readily handle thousands of samples in a shift, and our regular shift schedule is great for scheduling consecutive sample batches.
After the measurements are performed, we take care of the post-processing of the detector images this includes: data reduction, integration, offset correction, background subtraction. Once, the post-processing is complete you'll find raw data, corrected data, reference measurements, detector settings and a report in your account for inspection and download.
We assist users in various scientific endeavors. We can help determine the optimal measurements needed to solve their scientific problems and provide guidance on data interpretation to help users make sense of their findings. We specialize in performing structure refinement, utilizing methods such as Rietveld or real-space refinement. Furthermore, we have experience in determining various sample properties such as phase contents, impurities, crystallite size, bond lengths, and domain size in disordered materials. Our assistance also extends to aiding with crystal structure determination, including unit cell indexing, simulated annealing, reciprocal- and real-space co-refinements. Lastly, we offer statistical analyses for large datasets, allowing for in-depth exploration of the data.
We will provide a quotation on the desired services. Invoices for services can be paid by bank transfer within 30 days. We can also support payment via credit card.
Our services are suitable for both commercial and academic purposes. Customers own the rights to their results.
Increasing sample transparency at higher energies allows for using thicker samples to probe larger sample volumes. Minimal correction is needed for absorption or fluorescence for most elements. At 75 keV, consideration of fluorescence effects may be necessary for samples containing higher lanthanides up to Os, especially for total scattering data.
The experiment is setup in transmission geometry using a 2-dimensional detector. The setup is useful to reduce preferred orientation effects and to obtain symmetric line profiles.

Data Portal

How does it work?

Visit the your profile and find the reset button at the top of the page.
Please send us a message and we make sure to close your account for you.
We'd appreciate if you take note of time and date, and help us with a detailed description of the situation you were in.
Organizations are the compartments for you to collaborate with your peers or work for yourself in isolation. Organizations encapsulate context and data, and no one outside our organization can access your data.
This is not possible right now.
You can invite your co-workers to join your organization. Afterwards, they have access of the samples, requests and data that belong to the respective organization. Navigate to your organizations in the data portal, select an organization and press the invite button.
You can get in touch with easily us through email. Just send us a mail to support@momentum-transfer.com, and we make sure to get back to you as soon as possible.


How does it work?

You create an account for the platform, where you manage your measurement requests, samples and measurement results. The portal is growing continuously as we are adding valuable features for the inspection and analysis for powder diffraction data.
Registering samples and submitting measurement requests is simple through our online portal. Create an account to start defining your samples. For large volumes, download a CSV template for easy data entry and batch import (Samples → Import → Download CSV template). Once your samples are ready, select them and create a measurement request. Choose the measurements you need, add any custom messages, and include tracking information for your shipment. Then, simply submit!
Please have a look at the "Shipping Instructions" linked below &colon. To help us easily identify your samples, include a sample list along with any special handling instructions. If you are shipping samples from outside the European Economic Community (EEC), customs may require additional documentation, specifically a pro forma invoice for the shipment. We can provide an example on request.
The measurements offered are only suitable for powdered samples, not single crystals. We can also work with polycystalline solids such as plastics or alloys, semisolids such as gels, creams, pastes, etc, and have even measured films deposited on substrates. Our current sample holders are not fully sealed against oxygen or moisture, so we advise against sending samples that are highly sensitive to air or humidity. We are working on improvements to accommodate these needs. We are unable to handle liquids, gases, biological samples (e.g., animal tissues), or any dangerous materials: including samples that are poisonous, biological, radioactive, explosive, carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic (CMR), highly reactive, unstable, or pose other significant hazards.
Data are provisioned through our online portal. Before coming to you we take take of all the steps in between including calibration of the experimental setup, image correction and integration, data standardization, background subtraction, and transformation. Data are received in a ready-to-use state.

Experiment Specifications

How does it work?

Detector Distance ~1.5 m
Q-range ~0.16 – 9.1 Å-1
d-spacing 40 – 0.69 Å
Peak resolution ~0.004 Å-1 (determined from first peak integral breadth)
Detector Distance ~0.3 m
Q-range ~0.32 – 31 Å-1
d-spacing 20 – 0.2 Å
Peak resolution ~0.02 Å-1
Usable Q-max ≤20 - 30 Å-1 (depending on material)
Real space Δd approx. ≥0.16 – 0.11 Å (determined as π/Qmax)
Maximum distance ≤250 – 300 Å
Detector Distance 8.9 m
Q-range ~0.01 – 0.37 Å-1
d-spacing 630 – 17 Å

Data Quality

Nano-crystalline calcium carbonate

Exemplary measurements of Nano-crystalline calcium carbonate

X-ray powder diffraction pattern

icon related to X-ray powder diffraction pattern

Total scattering

icon related to Total scattering

Pair distribution function

icon related to Pair distribution function

Data Quality

Amorphous organic polymer

Exemplary measurements of an amorphous organic polymer

X-ray powder diffraction pattern

icon related to X-ray powder diffraction pattern

Total scattering

icon related to Total scattering

Pair distribution function

icon related to Pair distribution function
icon related to Superior Data Quality

Superior Data Quality

Using high energy X-rays (75 keV) and highly monochromatic radiation combined with 2D detection results in a sharp and symmetric instrumental profile which is ideal for detecting low-intensity features, decomposing overlapping features, and distinguishing microstructural properties.


Improve your research with brilliant powder diffraction measurements

Set new standards for your data quality and publications.

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