About Us
About Momentum Transfer, Our Commitment to Providing Excellent Data
Your Trusted Partner for Providing Excellent Measurement Data

Sebastian Winkler
Founder and CEO.
Welcome to Momentum Transfer! Our team is dedicated to providing you with excellent data.

We revolutionize materials discovery, optimization, and understanding. To achieve this, we are modernizing materials science workflows, democratizing access to highest-quality experiments, analytics, and expertise. In particular, we offer a new mode for accessing large-scale X-ray producing facilities called synchrotrons where materials R&D targets can be characterized at the atomic scale with a quality and scale unachievable in standard laboratories. Our services are suitable for applications in crystal structure solution, characterization of nanostructured and amorphous materials, and much more.
Core Values
Our Values
Your Trusted Partner for Providing Excellent Measurement Data
Continuously improving and innovating our solutions.
Upholding the highest standards of honesty and transparency.
Providing the best possible service.
Helped over 200 researchers
Customer Satisfaction
Our Team
Meet Our Team
Your Trusted Partner for Providing Excellent Measurement Data

Dr. Sebastian Winkler

Dr. Maxwell Terban

Dr. Bernd Hinrichsen

Dr. Lukas Wollmann
Head of Software Engineering

Heike Schmid
Marketing Manager

Dr. Didier Blanchard
Research Scientist

Artsiom Miksiuk
Senior Software Engineer
Improve your research with brilliant powder diffraction measurements
Set new standards for your data quality and publications.
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