Ultra-High Throughput

Measure up to several thousand samples in one go to finely test sample parameter spaces
  • transmission geometry
  • 2D information using an area detector
  • automated data reduction
  • statistical analysis of large datasets

High Resolution

Our setup results in a sharp, symmetric instrumental profile and excellent signal-to-noise ratio for improved sensitivity to minute phases and microstructural properties.

  • phase ID
  • Rietveld refinement / quantification
  • indexing / structure solution
LaB6 HighResolution Debye Scherrer Rings

Local Structure

Observe and quantify local structure properties via pair distribution function for nano-, disordered and amorphous materials.
  • local structure refinement
  • coherence length
  • bond coordination environment
LaB6 HighResolution Debye Scherrer Rings

Use Cases

Our services are suitable for both commercial and academic purposes. You can find some examples of different applications with reference to peer-reviewed publications.

Ion mobility
Understanding ion mobility in next generation batteries
Adsorption mechanisms
Understanding adsorption mechanisms for optimizing materials for gas separation
Porous Materials
Phase quantification
Determination of mineral contents in mining samples
Mining / Geology
Physicochemical behavior
Understanding physicochemical behavior in excipient preparations
Food Science
Catalyst design
Phase identification and local structure assessment of nanostructured catalysts to understand functional behavior and tune performance
Detecting minority phases
Detecting minority phases/components
Quality Control
Structure-property relationships
Determining structure-property relationships in amorphous solid formulations
Ion loading for ion separation
Determining mechanism of ion loading for ion separation related to nuclear waste remediation
Ion Separators